Year 9 PSHCE Day

All Year 9 students participated in PSHCE Day
On Tuesday 2 April, all Year 9 students participated in a PSHCE day, themed around Healthy Living. The students took part in a carousel of different sessions run by HGSS staff and an external trainer. The overall aim of the day was to promote healthier lifestyle choices, as well as exploring a variety of moral and ethical issues.
Miss Kirkpatrick ran an excellent hands-on session teaching the students how to perform CPR on 20 inflatable dummies! The students joined in enthusiastically, but quickly tired from the effort required to click the chest plate! Those taking part also practised putting each other in the recovery position, developing their skills and confidence to provide emergency first aid.
Mr Sharp, Mr Woods and an external trainer from InFormed ran sessions exploring the risks of drugs and alcohol. Students were encouraged to express and justify their opinions and think deeply about the potential consequences of risky behaviours. Similarly, Mr Whitby challenged pupils to consider the influences and consequences of online pressures and the laws surrounding sharing images via social media. Lastly, Miss Rouse chaired a session that allowed students to safely discuss how people can keep themselves safe from sexually transmitted infections, and critically evaluate how society views other people because of their sexuality.
All the students made HGSS proud by joining in enthusiastically and keenly volunteering their opinions and thoughts! Form 9.2 in particular were mentioned by staff as the most enthusiastic and contributory form the day!