Virtual Visit - The Museum of Flight online
I visited The Museum of Flight online, I have written a review of my thoughts.
The area I enjoyed the most was learning about the Space Rockets. I loved learning about how the rockets work and what they look like inside. I think there should be more videos to watch including a rocket launch video because I find it easier to understand and absorb if I see visual aids not just lots of writing. The website shows sections of the rocket and aeroplanes via video’s; however I would like to see more. Videos, games, quizzes and podcasts would make this experience even more interactive and enjoyable.
Here are some facts I learned about rockets and planes:
. on rockets they have space toilets
. rockets can only carry a max of 4 people
. rockets have 2 floors
. the crew compartment is only 200 square feet and split onto 2 floors
. the first people to go into space did not have toilets on the rockets
. the first toilet was not until the first space station
. Aviatik (Berg) D.I was quite an old plane and you can tell because of the style. The plane was made in 1918
. Aeronca L-3B Grasshopper is one of the light army planes used by the US. It was used for VIP as well and as a patrol plane
I found the aeroplane section really interesting, it had so much information on each style of plane. I thought it was really cool seeing the inside of the aeroplanes virtually, how they were laid out and designed. It was fascinating to see the difference between older aeroplanes and newer ones, especially around the computers, gadgets and interiors. The more modern aeroplanes had better technology.
I would recommend this Museum, it is Informative, interesting and cool. If you like aeroplanes and rockets then visit this website, within a few clicks you get a whole text about individual aeroplanes and virtual tours. The rocket section has podcast’s to listen too. This is a great opportunity to explore the museum and learn facts you might not have known already about how aeroplanes and rockets were built and used in the past and present.
I hope you enjoy your visit as much as I did.
Niamh Dobrowlski, Year 7