Drama & Theatre Studies A Level
This course inspires students to become independent theatre makers with the skills they need to go on to higher education, whether that is to study a course in drama and theatre or another subject. This qualification emphasises practical creativity alongside research and theoretical understanding. Students learn through experience, seeing theatre and making theatre for themselves. Students are introduced to a wide range of theatrical styles and contexts as they explore plays practically, devise and work on performances.
Course Content
Component 1: Drama and Theatre (40% of A Level)
A three-hour written exam.
Section A: one question (from a choice) on Set Text 1(25 marks)
Section B: one two part question on a given extract from a Set Text 2 (25 marks)
Section C: one question on the work of theatre makers in a single live theatre production (30 marks)
Component 2: Creating original Drama (30% of A Level)
Process and performance of devised drama.
Working notebook (40 marks)
Devised performance (20 marks)
Component 3: Making Theatre (30% of A Level)
A practical exploration and interpretation of three extracts (Extracts 1, 2 and 3), each taken from a different play. The performance of Extract 3 is assessed by an examiner and must show aspects of one chosen practitioner’s methodology.
Performance of Extract 3 (40 marks)
Reflective report (20 marks)
Exam Board: AQA
Head of subject: Mr G Sheldrake
Entry Requirements
5 in Drama if taken, 5 in English Lit or Lang with interest and experience in Theatre
Are you interested in: Acting & Directing Theatre, preparing Production, Script Analysis, Research Skills?
Leading to a career in: Acting, Directing, Teaching, Managing, Law, Presenting, Event Coordinating
This subject goes well with: English, Music, Art & Design, Psychology