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Holmer Green Senior School

Holmer Green Senior School



From the Head of Sixth Form, Mrs R Golding

The Sixth Form at Holmer Green Senior School is a special place; it is large enough to offer a wealth of subjects and opportunities for students to excel, but small enough for personalised support. We will inspire you to achieve your full potential and challenge you to be independent, so you are ready for life after school.

Holmer Green Sixth Form is a community which works together to achieve excellence for every single individual, through an environment of care, support and high aspirations. No matter where you are joining us from, you will become part of an inspiring Sixth Form; which will feel like an exciting place to learn, and where you will receive the best educational care. We are incredibly proud of what our students achieve; and the fine young adults that they become.

Over the last 5 years, our A Level students have made progress at least in line with the top 20% of Sixth Forms nationally. We achieve these results through assessing our students regularly, and acknowledging swiftly where interventions and support are needed. Our expectations are high, and we encourage our students to aspire for their best. Students receive teaching of the highest quality; our groups are smaller than perhaps you would get in larger Sixth Forms, and we are able to provide individual support in and out of the classroom. Many subjects offer Coursework and Theory clinics held at lunchtime and after school to provide every student with the opportunity to reaffirm their understanding.

Our Sixth Form is about more than academic success. We believe the Sixth Form is a stepping stone to higher education, apprenticeships or employment and encourage students to develop the skills needed to succeed independently.

Universities and businesses alike are looking for more than just grades and points (although they are very important!). In this highly competitive world, they are looking for people who are going to be a credit to their institution. Universities are looking for people who will get involved with University life beyond the Lecture theatre. They want people who show a real love of the subject, and who expand their experiences and knowledge of the subject beyond the classroom. At Holmer Green we offer a wide and ever-expanding range of enrichment activities to challenge and broaden our students’ horizons, build their CVs and offer them life-long memories.

We do appreciate that Sixth Form working life is a big step up from GCSEs, and for some, this transition needs some support. In order to do this, we have a team dedicated to overseeing students’ welfare and academic progress. As well as myself we have our Second in Charge of Sixth Form and our UCAS Co-ordinator Mr Stockton who, amongst other things oversees the UCAS Application process. We also have Mrs Martin, our Key Stage 5 Support Officer and Mrs Panayiotou who help students to overcome barriers to learning and are always there to listen. We have a team of Academic tutors who are there for their students if they have any issues or concerns, and who provide excellent pastoral support. If students are new to Holmer Green, we have a full induction process, and buddy system, as well as a programme of activities which will help you to make new friends and settle in quickly.

We pride ourselves on our range of courses; currently we offer 20 A Level courses and 8 Level 3 BTEC courses; AS Core Maths and the Extended Project Qualification. We have expanded our provision through collaborating with a neighbouring secondary school; a partnership that benefits both cohorts.

So, finally, what do you need to do next? Well, most importantly, you need to work hard to put yourself in the best position to take these opportunities. I hope you find this prospectus informative and that it helps you to make the best decisions for you. If, after reading it, you still have any individual questions, please feel free to contact me on 

The Sixth Form application process is now closed for 2024 admissions.

Rachel Golding

Assistant Headteacher: Sixth Form